Africana Studies Minor
The Africana Studies Minor is an interdisciplinary, joint minor program shared with Northwestern University in Qatar (Northwestern Qatar). Africana Studies provides critical understanding of African cultures and societies both within the African continent and in global contexts. Although foregrounding continental perspectives, Africana studies also includes African diasporic studies, whether in an American, European, or Asian context.

- Akintunde Akinade, Curricular Field Chair
- Christine Schiwietz, Curricular Dean
Steering Committee
- Rogaia Abusharaf, GU-Q
- Akintunde Akinade, GU-Q
- Clovis Bergère, Northwestern Qatar
- James Hodapp, Northwestern Qatar
- Phoebe Musandu, GU-Q
- Zachary Wright, Northwestern Qatar
About the Program
The minor covers the length and breadth of Africa and its diaspora through a growing range of disciplines. Courses offered include: anthropology, history, literature, media and communication studies, political science, religious studies and theology. Students are therefore in a position to engage multiple subjects from a rich range of perspectives, explore varied methodologies and theoretical frameworks as well as interdisciplinary studies.
- Six courses from the list of Africana Studies recognized courses at GU-Q and Northwestern Qatar.* Note that courses may not be offered every semester. It is important to consult early with your academic advisor to plan a course of study.
- One course from a collaborating institution. For Northwestern Qatar students, at least one course at GU-Q; for GU-Q students, at least one course at Northwestern Qatar.
- One “core” course. All other courses can be “electives.” Core courses can also be taken as electives.
- Minimum Grade Requirement. Students must receive a grade of C or higher in each qualifying course.
- Capstone Project. students should complete either a thesis, ePortfolio or a standard portfolio. Learn more about capstone projects.
*Note: Students can make a case for another course or independent study in Education City or elsewhere as a qualifying course. These will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Africana Studies Steering Committee.
Minor Timeline
Completing a minor requires careful planning to ensure you are taking courses which count toward Africana Studies, and are able to complete the original research capstone in time.
List of Africana Studies Recognized Courses
Core Courses (select 1 course)
- GU HIST 1200: Africa I, African History to 1800
- GU HIST 1201: Africa II, African History after 1800
- GU GOVT 2806 African Political Thought
- NU ENG 242: African Literature
Elective Courses
Georgetown University in Qatar Electives (select 4 courses)
- GU ANTH 3350: War and Peace in Darfur
- GU ARAB 3320: Arab Film
- GU ARAB 3356: Arab Women’s Autobiography
- GU CULP 3274: Narratives of Genocide & Revolution in Post-Colonial Zanzibar
- CULP 2270: Intro to Indian Ocean
- GU GOVT 2602: International Organizations
- GU GOVT 2609: Race in International Relations
- GU INAF 3270: Gender Politics in African Cultures
- GU HIST 1099: Oral History and African Women’s History
- GU HIST 1106: Atlantic World
- GU HIST 1109: Islamic World
- GU HIST 2601: History of Modern Egypt
- GU HIST 4202: Africa the Politico-Economics of Independence
- GU HIST 4208: Topics in African Women’s History
- GU HIST 4210: STEM and Power in Africa
- GU HIST 3609: America and the Muslim World
- GU HIST 4809: W.E.B. DuBois Seminar
- GU PHIL 2540: Intro to Africana Philosophy
- GU PHIL 3810: French & Francophone Philosophies
- GU THEO 3722: Liberation Theologies in the U.S.
Northwestern Qatar Electives (select 1 course)
- NU ENG 370: African Cinema
- NU ENG 387: Middle East and African Graphic Novels
- NU HIST 242: Medieval Muslim Empires
- NU HIST 387: Islam and the Shaping of African History
- NU MIT 398: Sport Globalization in Africa
- NU MIT 398: African Youth Media
- NU HIST 387: African Liberation Struggles
- NU REL 242: Sufisim