Annual Bazaar Gives Back to Workers

Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q) recently held its annual Service Providers’ Bazaar to give back to the workers who ensure that the University runs smoothly. The event allowed Georgetown workers to choose among an array of clothing, household items, books, and toys, which had been donated by GU-Q staff, faculty, and students.
At the start of the bazaar, workers were given an allocated number of tickets to ‘buy’ goods they wanted from the range of donations. Once everyone had a chance to choose the initial items, the remaining goods were made available on a first-come first-served basis.
A number of electronic items were raffled off during the event, with GU-Q Dean Ahmad Dallal awarding the prizes to the winners. The dean also handed out the quarterly service providers awards, which recognize those who excel in their work at GU-Q.
This is the fourth year that GU-Q has organized the bazaar, which is an opportunity for the wider Georgetown community to come together to thank the workers for their efforts. Some 105 service providers, who work in roles ranging from security to cleaning and food preparation, took part in the event.
In addition to donating goods, around 26 people volunteered to help on the day of the event and to sort items ahead of the bazaar. All service providers, both directly and indirectly contracted to work in the Georgetown building, were invited to attend the bazaar and the lunch that followed