Required Immunization and Tuberculosis Test

What vaccinations are required?
Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q) requires all students at the time of registration to provide documentation of vaccination or immunity from Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Hepatitis B, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella, Meningitis. In addition, all students are required to have documentation of a Tuberculosis (TB) test in the last year.
How do I submit proof of vaccinations or a Meningitis waiver?
Students are asked to submit the Immunization History Form and Tuberculosis Test Form upon admission. These forms must be completed and certified by a health care physician and returned to us by July 1st.
If a student chooses to waive the Meningitis Vaccination, they have to read the Meningitis Fact Sheet and complete and sign the Meningitis Vaccine Waiver and return to us along with their completed Immunization History Form and Tuberculosis Test Form.
Although we work with freshman students to comply with the immunization policy in the first (fall) semester, students will not be able to enroll in classes for the second (spring) semester until they are fully compliant. If you have any questions about providing this documentation or how to get vaccination in Qatar, please send us an email.
How can I learn more about immunizations?
Students and their families are encouraged to visit the Qatar Ministry of Public Health on Qatar immunization program webpages, and learn more about vaccines and preventable diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In order to avoid delays, please see your health care provider as soon as possible to complete the Immunization History Form and Tuberculosis Test Form, especially if your immunization records are incomplete and you need to get any required immunizations.
Where can I get vaccinated in Qatar?
In Qatar, vaccines, blood work, and record verification can be done at some Primary Health Centers and for enrolled GU-Q students at Qatar Foundation Primary Health Care Center located in the Student Center. Vaccinations are also available at some private hospitals, laboratories, and clinics.
What additional types of medical tests are required?

The State of Qatar requires resident applicants to undergo and test negative for HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and chest x-ray for Tuberculosis. Qatar Foundation recommends that international students take these tests before coming to Qatar to ensure that they meet the medical requirements for residency.
Qatar Foundation in coordination with GU-Q will also arrange for international students to take these medical tests after they arrive in Qatar. This medical tests are in addition to the immunization compliance mandated for all students including Qatari citizens and residents, as well as international students by Qatar Foundation and Georgetown University (see above).