Wellness Outreach & Health Promotion Programs
In accordance with our commitment to cura personalis – a profound care and responsibility for one another to ensure that each member of our community is flourishing – we are pleased to announce in addition to one on one counseling that you can schedule with a SWCC counselor, you can avail yourself of the other tools we offer to help you in ways that work best for you. A variety of wellness outreach and health promotion programs are offered throughout the year. We invite you to connect with us, join in the fun, and take proactive steps to live a healthier and more harmonious life.

GUQ 24/7 Student Urgent Mental Health Support Line (4457-8111). If you need to speak to a counselor urgently, anytime, anywhere, call 4457-8111. This free resource provided by trained professionals is available to support your mental health and emotional wellness, and help you decide what to do next.
Brief Face-to-Face Walk-In Meetings. We are introducing brief, informal, confidential, same-day consultations for students with a SWCC counselor between 3:00pm and 4:00 each day. This is an opportunity for the GUQ students to have a brief consultation with a SWCC counselor to talk about a particular concern that requires timely support. As the name indicates, these kinds of meetings are scheduled on the day of the appointment, and they are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Booking one of these 15-minute spots can be done earlier in the day in person (Room 1G09) or by sending an email to guqstudentwellness@georgetown.edu, or you can just stop by SWCC around 3pm.
Welltrack Boost. Online Self-Help Tools. You can access these tools from your laptop, phone, or other digital devices and on your own schedule. Learn how to address issues, recognize patterns and triggers, and reinforce healthy habits. Solve problems and work on your emotional resilience with digital tools and courses to help you track moods, assess wellness, stick to a schedule, work with negative thoughts, and more. To get started use your @georgetown.edu to register and create a login at Welltrack Boost.
CampusWell Online Magazine. Every month a new edition is sent to your inbox (as well as posted on our website!). You will find great articles helping you be healthier in your life, your academics, and your relationships. You might also be one of the lucky individuals who win cash! Either way, reading this online magazine will help you to become a winner!
Tune-In Tuesdays. You asked for more opportunities to cultivate a meditative practice, while acknowledging your busy schedule. Join us at the Majilis area in front of the GUQ Library on Tuesdays at 3:30 PM for a few moments to turn-in. Learn how to benefit from a brief practice that can easily be incorporated into your busy lifestyle and that can significantly improve your focus and general wellbeing.
Daily Wellness Fruit. Stop by SWCC for a healthy snack! We know how important it is to maintain adequate nutrition throughout the day. We also know how we don’t always plan ahead and pack a nutritious snack, and all you are left with are less-than-satisfying and usually not-so-healthy snack options. Well, SWCC is here for you, we provide fruit for students during the fall and spring semesters.
Oasis Room: Take a mental health break on campus by booking half an hour to re-set and rejuvenate in the Oasis Room.
Biofeedback Sessions: We offer a variety of biofeedback equipment in our center, which you can use to understand how your heart rate, breathing, and muscle tension are affected by stress and calming activities. Using this equipment can help you to better manage your body’s responses to emotional and mental stress.
Ask the Expert Webinar Series: In collaboration with local and international healthcare providers, we offer webinars on physical and mental health topics. Students can participate in these webinars anonymously and pose their personal questions via the facilitators without disclosing who they are. If you are not able to participate in the live sessions, you can access the recordings of the webinars with their follow-up Q&A at your convenience.
SWCC Library. Come and take a look at our library (1G13) full of resources on a variety of topics including mental health, ADHD, anger, identity, healthy eating, meditation, and so much more! Pick what you like and check it out by going to our staff at Room 1G09.
Brief Informational Materials. We have brochures on a variety of health and mental health topics. These can be found in front of 1G09 (above the fruit basket) and in our waiting room, 1G13. Please feel free to take ones of interest to you.
Hoya Support Circles. SWCC remains committed to offer support to these students who wish to gather together as a group, providing social support and wellbeing to each other. These can be affinity group based upon certain aspects of one’s identity (e.g., gender, race) or groups based upon shared experiences (e.g., grief, anxiety). Peer support groups help connect people with shared challenges, allowing the participants to receive support and feedback from peers and can acquire new skills, strategies, and perspectives by listening to one another. SWCC can help groups by providing a safe space to meet as well as facilitating discussions. Come and talk to us to see how we can support your circle.
Fitness Classes: GUQ offers free fitness classes to GUQ community. Announcements on upcoming classes are sent by email.
Preventive and Educational Events, workshops and trainings. Our programs vary from an individual activity or event focused on a specific health and wellness topic, or a series of events, workshop and trainings around a theme. Talk with us if you have any ideas and suggestions and would like to collaborate with us. Tune in to your emails each semester to learn about offered programs.
Stress-Less Week. Fun activities and snacks to decrease stress during the week prior to final exams.
Healthy Start for a Great Finish. Breakfast provided during exam days to help optimize your performance.