Ethical Dilemmas of Financial Professionals Under Spotlight at Georgetown Talk

President of the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Society in Qatar, Bogdan Bilaus, and the Director of the Society of Ethics Training, Dr. Michael G. McMillan, visited GU-Q recently to discuss the ethical complexities of working in the financial industry. The event was jointly hosted by GU-Q’s Director of Economics, Dr. Alexis Antoniades, and the student-run Georgetown Investment Association.
McMillan gave students and invited guests an overview of the work of the CFA Institute, and its mission to ensure high standards of ethics, education, and professional excellence in the financial industry.
He explained how ethics is becoming an increasingly important factor for new recruits joining the industry, especially in the wake of the recent financial crisis, when trust levels between advisors and clients were damaged.
As part of his presentation, McMillan presented students with complex real-life scenarios and asked them to choose what course of action they would take in the situation. He also cautioned them that while something may not be illegal in a certain country, it can often be unfair or dishonest to clients and colleagues. “What we try to teach people is, don’t just do what is legal, live up to a much higher standard and do what’s ethical,” said McMillan.
The event was part of a number of functions hosted by the Georgetown Investment Association, which aims to foster an interest in the investment industry among GU-Q students.