Panel Discussion, Sports
Is it a Beautiful Game?

Join us at the Arrupe Hall, Multipurpose Room at Georgetown University in Washington DC for a panel discussion on: Is it a Beautiful Game?
Danyel Reiche, Soccer Fan and Visiting Research Fellow, Georgetown University in Qatar.
Jeff Anderson, Soccer Fan and Professor at the Walsh School of Foreign Service and in the Department of Government, Georgetown University.
Zahra Babar, Cricket Fan and Associate Director for Research, The Center for International and Regional Studies, Georgetown University in Qatar.
Christopher Elzey, History, Georgetown University Basketball Fan and Director of the Sport and American Culture Minor, George Mason University.
Chandra Manning, Baseball Fan and Professor of History, Georgetown University.
Scholars will discuss their favorite sports: How did they become enthusiasts of the game? What can the study of sport, including its dark sides, add to an understanding of society? And does that study add or detract from sports fandom?
Please note that the time of the event is at 4pm (USA: GMT -4) and is located at Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA.