Georgetown Students Host Breast Cancer Awareness Event

The Georgetown University in Qatar campus was transformed with colorful art, food stalls, and pink ribbons aplenty as part of the annual student-run breast cancer awareness fair. Organized by the Women’s Society and Development Club, the community-focused event aimed to share knowledge about the disease and its detection and raise funds for Qatar Cancer Society. A number of local businesses contributed their time and sold their products and services—ranging from gourmet desserts to beauty treatments—with all proceeds going towards the cause.
This year, the club used the fair to highlight the importance of checking regularly for signs of the disease and how to identify common symptoms. There was also a mobile clinic supplied by the Qatar National Cancer Program, to encourage event attendees to screen for breast as well as bowel cancer.
“There’s a very high chance of getting cured from breast cancer if you get early screening, so we wanted to spread awareness,” explained Maha AlAbdulla (SFS ’19), president of the Women’s Society and Development Club. “So this year, we collaborated with the primary healthcare center to get the mobile screening truck.”
This is the seventh year that the Women’s Society has hosted the fair. The club, which was established in 2010, seeks to explore and enhance understanding of gender-related issues through dialogue, education, and awareness. The funds gathered at the event will be used to raise awareness among the public in Qatar about how to screen for the disease, as well as pay for treatment for those who cannot afford it.