Georgetown Students Set to Launch Second Issue of the Enterprise Business Magazine

The ambitious students of Georgetown University in Qatar’s Business Society are once more bringing the education and business worlds together with the launch of the second issue of their magazine, “Enterprise” at a public campus event on April 17, at 7:00 PM.
Students, faculty and staff will be attending the launch, as well as invited guests representing many sectors of Qatar’s business landscape. Following a review of this year’s publication, and highlighting the article of one of the student contributors, GU-Q’s dean, Dr. Gerd Nonneman, will deliver a keynote address.
“Georgetown University’s Washington campus has a long-established reputation of academic distinction and in business studies, and our students through this club and this magazine are showing that our international affairs curriculum in Qatar continues to reflect this traditionof excellence in business, finance and economics in way that mesh with the context of our location. I am thrilled with the creativity and commitment of our enterprising students.”
GU-Q student, El Harith Ali, will discuss key points of his article submission at the event, focusing on the rise of the remanufacturing industry in the MENA region. He argues that, “The direction taken by countries such as Qatar and UAE that supports the creation of state-of-the-art industrial parks and educational technical institutes may hold the key to making remanufacturing a rock-solid investment opportunity.”
The Georgetown Enterprise is the first magazine produced by students at GU-Q that is oriented towards business, entrepreneurship, and global markets. It is a project of the student-created and student-run Business Society, which hopes to bring the corporate culture onto the school’s international affairs-minded campus, while also introducing the corporate world to some of Doha’s brightest future business leaders.
“For the inaugural launch of our magazine last year, we chose the theme of diversification of Qatar’s economy. This year, we have really grown as a club, and have taken on the more complex theme of ‘Adaptive and Transformative change’,” said Muhammad Saif Kazi, a GU-Q senior majoring in International Economics and one of four students who founded the club.
Explaining the theme, he said: “Through a variety of articles on the latest business developments and market trends, we hope to provide insights on how the economy here in Qatar needs to adapt to the changing reality of lower oil prices-namely, through small continuous adaptive changes as well as big, transformative bubble-breaking changes that have the potential to fundamentally alter the fabric of an industry.”
The Georgetown Business Society (GBS) was officially launched on the 2nd of April in 2014 with the goal of changing the perception, both on and off campus, that a GU-Q degree is limited to the field of diplomacy and foreign service, as well as to provide the student body with the necessary tools and skills to support those wishing to enter the business world.