Georgetown Students Take a Big Leap into the World of Investment Banking
The newly launched Investment Club at Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q) is bringing the fast-paced world of investment banking to their Education City campus with a public event set to feature the CEO of the Qatar Stock Exchange, Mr. Rashid Ali Al-Mansoori, on April 12, at 6 pm.
At the Investment Club event, Mr. Rashid Ali Al-Mansoori, who has been the CEO of the Qatar Stock Exchange since October 2012, will take part in a Q&A about the industry, which will be followed by the official launch of the new club’s magazine, titled “The Georgetown Portfolio”.
“We decided to start this club in order to spread investment knowledge throughout the Georgetown community, but we hope that interest and education spreads to other universities in Education City, as well as throughout the Qatar community,” said club founder, chairman, and GU-Q freshman, Abdulla Zeedan.
“School clubs are a vital part of a Georgetown education, where we believe learning happens both inside and outside the classroom,” said the club’s faculty advisor Dr. Christine Schiwietz, who is also the assistant dean for academic affairs at GU-Q. “By engaging in real world events and challenging students to grapple with the same opportunities and risks that are present in investment banking, they learn about their world through a hands-on approach, while also serving as leaders in their communities.”
The club, which is entirely student-developed and student-driven, is committed to developing an active investment banking culture by giving GU-Q students a chance to develop and pitch investment ideas, create mock stock portfolios, and undertake other projects associated with investment banking. The magazine provides an in-depth look at various aspects of the industry, and echoes voices and opinions from global and local leaders within this field.
“Investment options fall under a really broad umbrella – everything from private equity, to stocks, to business investments – so we want to encourage everyone to really understand the vast potential of this world,” explained Abdullah, who has had an interest in the field well before he began his university studies.
The Qatar Stock Exchange is committed to supporting Qatar’s economy by giving investors a platform through which they can trade fairly and efficiently. This institution is part of a comprehensive national strategy that aims to establish Qatar as a world-class international market and to position Qatar as a regional financial center by introducing new trading products, technology, and international investors to Doha.