Pragyan Kumar Acharya, a fourth-year Nepali undergraduate student recently returned from a research trip to the Philippines. He was studying how Jesuit educators advance sustainable community development by adopting and…
Following an eventful week of immersive new student welcome week activities aimed at facilitating a smooth transition into university life, Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q), officially welcomed 123 students in…
Dr. Trish Kahle, an Assistant Professor at GU-Q, recently concluded a six-month National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) fellowship conducting archival research at a leading affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution,…
Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q) warmly welcomed its incoming class of 123 undergraduates representing 37 nationalities with its first-ever Hoya Welcome Week, a dynamic program designed to induct the Class…
A closing ceremony was held at Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q) to honor 12 graduates of the International Executive Master’s in Emergency and Disaster Management (IEDM) degree program for successfully…
Elene Chkhaidze, an undergraduate student at Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q), spent her summer delving into the heart of the Cyprus conflict. Through her journalistic pursuit, Elene hopes to shed…
Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q) recently concluded another successful edition of their Georgetown Pre-College Summer (GPS) Program, a unique preparatory initiative aimed at empowering high school students in Qatar and…
International Economics major Moza Alhajri (SFS’26) is not just passionate about arguing, she excels at it. Competing at the 2nd Asian Arabic Debating Championship held in Oman, Moza emerged victorious,…
Qatari diplomats enrolled in Georgetown University’s Executive Master’s in Diplomacy and International Affairs (EMDIA) program deepened their understanding of global politics and diplomacy and fostered connections with key players on…
New research conducted by students at GU-Q under the mentorship of Dr. Firat Oruc, has provided the first evidence of how Hamad International Airport (HIA) has changed Qatar, and how…
In an innovative approach to education, GU-Q transformed the diverse and impressive museums scattered across Qatar into captivating classrooms for a Spring 2023 course, “Theorizing Art in Qatar,” which was…
Dr. Safwan Masri, dean of GU-Q, hosted an exclusive media roundtable with leading media organizations, where he unveiled his ambitious vision for the future of the institution and showcased groundbreaking…