
A Semester Abroad at Georgetown’s Washington, DC Campus

GU-Q News, Students

A Semester Abroad at Georgetown’s Washington, DC Campus

Embarking on a semester abroad earlier this year was a revelatory experience for International Politics major Abdul Hannan (SFS’25). He spent the semester in Washington, DC, attending classes at Georgetown…
A Journey to Kenya Transforms GU-Q Students

GU-Q News

A Journey to Kenya Transforms GU-Q Students

In May 2024, a group of students from Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q) embarked on a trip to Kenya, expecting an adventure. They did not anticipate a journey that would…
Georgetown Qatar Celebrates Class of 2024 

GU-Q News, Students

Georgetown Qatar Celebrates Class of 2024 

Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q), a Qatar Foundation partner, honored the academic success of 119 undergraduate students from 38 countries including Qatar and 21 graduate students from Qatar at a…

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