
Professor Mohamed Zayani Wins Book Award from the NCA

Faculty, Research

Professor Mohamed Zayani Wins Book Award from the NCA

Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q) Professor Mohamed Zayani has been awarded the 2017 Sue DeWine Distinguished Scholarly Book Award from the National Communication Association (NCA) for his book Networked Publics and Digital Contention (Oxford University Press, 2015).   The book…
Annual Bazaar Gives Back to Workers

GU-Q News

Annual Bazaar Gives Back to Workers

Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q) recently held its annual Service Providers’ Bazaar to give back to the workers who ensure that the University runs smoothly. The event allowed Georgetown workers…
U.S. Ambassador Meets with Georgetown Students


U.S. Ambassador Meets with Georgetown Students

Fourteen Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q) and Northwestern University in Qatar students recently took part in a question and answer session with His Excellency William Grant, interim U.S. ambassador to…
Georgetown Professor Wins International Book Award

Faculty, Research

Georgetown Professor Wins International Book Award

Georgetown University in Qatar Professor Mohamed Zayani has been awarded the 2017 Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology Book Award from the American Sociological Association (ASA) for his work titled…

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