The GU-Q Muslim Students Association (MSA) recently hosted Imam Omer Bajwa, the Director of Muslim Life at the Yale University Chaplain’s Office, for an online presentation on “Preparing for Ramadan.”…
A digital education program that began as a student project at Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q), a QF partner university, is now part of a nationally broadcast TV channel in…
With a closed fist raised in strength and defiance, the winning t-shirt design for a fun competition launched by Qatar Foundation (QF) partner university Georgetown University in Qatar, was an…
Jose Asturias, Assistant Professor of Economics at Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q), along with co-authors Manuel García-Santana, a professor at Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, and Roberto Ramos, an economist…
The coronavirus pandemic that has spread across the globe has triggered a massive healthcare crisis. But it has also severely affected the global supply chain network, leaving countries and companies…
For busy college students, time management is already a challenge, but the coronavirus pandemic is making it even harder. To give students at QF-partner Georgetown University in Qatar the self-management…
With lockdown measures keeping people away from their normal activities, social media has become a lifeline for human connections in a time of crisis. And a good part of that…
Experts from the front lines of the Coronavirus pandemic in Qatar were featured panelists for Georgetown University in Qatar’s recent online event titled “Dealing with Covid-19 in Qatar: A Panel…
The speed and scale of Qatar’s state-led response to the blockade is a lesson in the national resilience and adaptation needed to change the devastating course of climate change around…
In her new book, “Law and Politics under the Abbasids: An Intellectual Portrait of al-Juwayni” (Cambridge 2019), Sohaira Siddiqui Associate Professor at Qatar Foundation partner university Georgetown University in Qatar,…
The coronavirus outbreak continues to move across the world, disrupting global supply chains, driving historic drops in stock markets, and triggering mounting unemployment. Coordinated multilateral action by governments and central…
Campus buildings are empty and classrooms have moved online, but at Georgetown University in Qatar, a Qatar Foundation partner university, student groups are maintaining a sense of community by taking…