POV: Rest and Reflection The Georgetown Qatar Way

Rana Saad, Academic Affairs Specialist on being grateful for the opportunity to reflect and grow within the safety of the GU-Q community.
When I heard about GU-Q’s Overnight Wellness Retreat for Staff at the nearby Al Samriya Autograph Collection Hotel near Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani Museum, I thought for the first time in my 19 years of working at GU-Q, that perhaps it was time for me take advantage of all that GU-Q has to offer its employees. As mothers around the world can relate, at times I put myself last, and in all the years that I have worked, I hadn’t even considered doing something as radical as leaving the house for a fun retreat and rest from my daily routine.
When I joined GU-Q in January 2006, my son was seven months old, and I was working non-stop learning how to be a mom and balance my work and life. Life felt hard, with stress coming from all directions: family, work, and back home in my beloved Gaza. My family and work were the priorities, and there wasn’t much left after that.
But this time, when GU-Q offered the opportunity to get away and take time for myself while bonding with my colleagues I thought, “Why not?” I was still overwhelmed, and I think everyone else who signed up was too, but the idea of having an outing that I did not have to plan and arrange was irresistible. Just say yes and show up? Yes, please.
My growing children, who once cried when I was away, encouraged me to go. Yet my husband was still skeptical. “What, you want to go on an overnight trip alone? Will you be okay?” he asked. These were questions I had never pondered before. I come from a culture that prioritizes the protection of women and children, which meant that when I was raising young kids, I needed to remain at home and take care of them. But with my children grown, and my husband’s blessing and reminder to stay safe, I boldly signed up for my first adventure with Georgetown.
As soon as I received the confirmation email, I became excited and started planning like a mom: “I must bring snacks for everyone, musakhan, chicken club sandwiches, karak!” I thought. I endlessly debated what would make everyone else happy: “I mustn’t forget Arabic coffee… But will my colleagues like it? Will it be too strong?” And at last, I remembered what brought me joy: “Henna cones, I can’t forget those!” Since I was a girl growing up in the Middle East, Henna has been my way of relaxing and meditating.
And then it was the day of the retreat. I gave myself permission for this much-needed time off, and the fun began! A few of my colleagues and I arrived early to have lunch at the lovely hotel, and I immediately felt transported to my past amidst the Arabic architecture and rural setting. As I connected with my colleagues, and toured the farm and the museum’s amazing collection of “arts and sciences, man-made works, rarities and wonders,” the walls we maintained at work came down. We reflected on our lives, sharing feelings, thoughts, and experiences for the rest of the afternoon. With a lovely wind touching our faces, we had a carefree dinner, sharing food, stories, talking, laughing, playing games, and listening to music. We listened and invested in one another, and in turn, invested in ourselves.

At last, the moment for Henna arrived, and as I drew intricate designs on my colleagues’ hands, it made me so happy to share my creativity and to see the happiness and joy on their faces. It was such a lovely end to a beautiful, refreshing day. I lay down for the night grateful for the blessings of good companionship, the thoughtful organization of the retreat, and the opportunity to take time to reflect and grow within the safety of the GU-Q community.