Professor Stark Receives Distinguished Award from Cracow University

Dr. Oded Stark

Dr. Oded Stark, Distinguished Research Scholar at SFS-Q, has been awarded the 90-Anniversary Medal from Cracow University of Economics, located in Cracow, Poland. The award ceremony took place during the Ceremonial Session of the Senate and Faculty Councils in Juliusz Slowacki Theater on May 28, 2015.

Professor Stark leads the The Winter School On The Analytics And Policy Design Of Migration. The main purpose of the School is to induce participants to think rigorously, creatively, and in non-conventional ways on various approaches to the modeling of migration choices and consequences, and to demonstrate to the participants how such a thinking process could enrich the spectrum of informed migration policies. Participants will be exposed to the art of economic modeling in general, and to the workings of applied microeconomic theory in particular.

His long and distinguished bio includes fellowships, honorary positions and chairs at a number of top academic institutions, such as at the Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, the University of Klagenfurt, the University of Vienna, the University of Warsaw, the University of Tuebingen, and the University of Navarra. He is also a prolific and critically acclaimed author.

Cracow University of Economics is the largest school of economics in Poland, and the third biggest university in Cracow, a major Polish academic center. The University was the first institution of higher education in Poland to introduce studies in English in the early 1990s.