Programs for High School Students

Educational Enrichment Programs

Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q) provides high school students with meaningful and engaging programming to foster lifelong learning prepare them for university-level success.  With pre-college activities that vary from one-day workshops to weekend conferences, to three-week summer coursework, programming is designed to be accessible to every type of high school student.  The Office of Educational Enrichment within Student Development administers this program with the mission of promoting academic and personal growth for students in Qatar and abroad.

We are now on Instagram! Follow guqprecollegeprograms to learn about our programs and apply.

Programs During School Year

Model United Nations

Debate current global issues and gain insight into the world of international politics and policy-making at the oldest MUN in Qatar.  Also join us in the Fall for our practice MUN.

University Preparedness Program

Free online workshops designed specifically for high school students from grade 9-12 geared towards personal and academic skills building, which are necessary for university level success and beyond.

Offered: January – April

Georgetown Global Challengers

High school students in grades 10 and 11 get the unique opportunity to delve deeper into world of social entrepreneurship through an online program and an in-person practicum on campus.

Offered: March – April