2017 – The Liberal State and Its Alternatives in the Indian Ocean World

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Panel 1: The Weberian State and Its Challenges
Chair – Dr. Abdullah Baaboud, Qatar University
“The GCC Variant of Rentier State Building” – Dr. Steffen Hertog, London School of Economics and Political Science
“Gatekeeping and Broadcasting in a Digital Age: State and Power in East Africa” – Dr. Sharath Srinivasan, University of Cambridge
“The Negotiated State in Pakistan” – Dr. Anatol Lieven, Georgetown University in Qatar
Panel 2: Ethnicity, Justice, and Urbanization
Chair – Dr. Rogaia Abusharaf, Georgetown University in Qatar
“Legitimacy and the Dual Policing Mechanisms in a Securitised City: Examining the Roles and Practices of the Police and Paramilitary Forces in Karachi, Pakistan” – Dr. Zoha Waseem, King’s College London
“The Illiberal Politics of Going Native: Making “Tribes” in South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East” – Dr. Uday Chandra, Georgetown University in Qatar
“The Ruling Family Security and National Identity in Qatar” – Islam Hassan, Georgetown University in Qatar
Panel 3: Civil Society, Migration, and Social Development
Chair – Dr. Amal Al-Malki, Hamad Bin Khalifa University
“Kinship, Brokerage and Clientelism in Rural Pakistan” – Dr. Shandana Mohmand, Institute of Development Studies (Sussex)
“The National Welfarism and International Aid Nexus in Tanzania” –Sana Tariq, Georgetown University in Qatar
“Islamic Charitable Organizations and the State in Southeast Asia” – Dr. Amelia Fauza, National University of Singapore
Panel 4: Neoliberal Development and its Alternatives
Chair – Dr. Harry Verhoeven, Georgetown University in Qatar
“The Political Economy of Comparative Governance in China and India” – Pranab Bardhan, University of California at Berkeley
“A Feminist Analysis of Women and Neoliberal Development in Bangladesh” – Dr. Lamia Karim, Oregon University
“The Political Economy of Natural Resources: Africa and South Asia Compared” Dr. Ricardo Soares de Oliveira, University of Oxford
“Singapore as a Non-liberal Electoral Democratic State” – Dr. Chua Beng Huat, National University of Singapore
Panel 5: The Geopolitics of the Indian Ocean
Chair – Dr. James Reardon-Anderson, Georgetown University in Qatar
“China and the Idea of the Indo-Pacific” – Dr. Rana Mitter, University of Oxford
“The role of the Gulf in Illegal Fishing and Piracy off the Horn of Africa” – Dr. Afyare Elmi, Qatar University
“Taming Intervention: African States, Regime Survival and the Creation of Political Order” – Dr. Harry Verhoeven, Georgetown University in Qatar
Panel 6: Religion, Nationalism, and Conflict
Chair – Dr. Amira Sonbol, Georgetown University in Qatar
“The Somali Model of Development” – Dr. William Reno, Northwestern University
“Building after the Split: Partition and Governance in the Horn of Africa” – Dr. Michael Woldemariam, Boston University
“Arab Nationalism and the “Arab” Gulf: The Origins and Significance of the Name Game” – Dr. James Onley, Qatar University / Exeter University