IOWG Publications

Monsoon: Journal of the Indian Ocean Rim
Monsoon is an interdisciplinary journal publishing original and innovative research that analyzes the cultural, historical, and political circumstances that have shaped—and currently affect—the coastal societies of the Indian Ocean. Published by Duke University Press in collaboration with the Africa Institute, the journal is co-edited by Rogaia Abusharaf, and associate editors include Uday Chandra.

Lieven, Anatol and Verhoeven, Harry. Edited. Beyond Liberal Order: States, Societies and Markets in the Global Indian Ocean. London and New York: Hurst & Co. and Oxford UP, 2021.

Musandu, Phoebe. Pressing Interests : the Agenda and Influence of a Colonial East African Newspaper Sector. Montreal : McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018.

Abusharaf, Rogaia Mustafa and Eickelman, Dale F. Edited. Africa and the Gulf Region: Blurred Boundaries and Shifting Ties. Berlin and London: Gerlach Press, 2015.

Verhoeven, Harry. “‘What is to be done?’ Rethinking socialism(s) and socialist legacies in a postcolonial world.” Third World Quarterly 42.3 (2021): 449-64.

Promodh, Irene Ann. “FM radio and the Malayali diaspora in Qatar: at home overseas.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47.9 (2021): 1957-75.

Abusharaf, Rogaia. “Diasporic Circularities: Omani-Zanzibaris Narrate Experiences In and Out of the Archipelago, 1964,” in Mobility and Forced Displacement in the Middle East, Edited by Zahra Babar. Oxford University Press: Hurst 2020, 79-102.

Oruc, Firat. “Transoceanic Orientalism and Embodied Translation in Sayyida Salme/Emily Ruete’s Memoirs,” HAWWA: Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World 17.1 (2019): 1-21.

Oruc, Firat. “Petro-colonial Circulations and the Emergence of Cinema in the Arab Gulf.” Film History: An International Journal 31.4 (2019): 10-42.

Abusharaf, Rogaia Mustafa. “The Omani-Zanzibari Family: Between Politics And Pedigree in an Empire on the Rim.” HAWWA: Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World 16. 1-3 (2018): 60-89.