Mentoring program

“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.” — Oprah Winfrey
“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” — John Crosby
About the Program
The Georgetown Women’s Alliance-Qatar (GWA-Q) Mentorship Program is a formal, professional development program for Georgetown University-Qatar (GU-Q) female faculty, staff, alumni, and spouses. The program runs annually from September through April. The purpose of the program is to provide participants with an opportunity to interact and learn from one another in a one-on-one mentorship partnership. The partnership is meant to provide support and encouragement and to facilitate success and satisfaction in a professional context. All members of GWA-Q are invited to participate.
Benefits of Mentoring
Mentoring is something that can benefit everyone. It helps both the mentee and the mentor recognize their true abilities and, in the process, discover exciting areas for future development.
- Stimulates new thoughts about career development and career potential.
- Help to increase motivation – the mentee gains a new direction or perspective while the mentor feels a sense of achievement when their mentee succeeds.
- Develop communication skills, including listening/questioning skills and conversing with colleagues in other areas and levels of the University.
- The experiences and skills of helping another, coaching, and mentoring may continue in other areas of life, personal and professional.
How the Program Works
Mentors and mentees submit online applications and are matched by the Program Committee based a variety of characteristics, including areas of expertise, experience, and personal and career interests. The mentee’s preference as to which mentor they’d like to work with will also be considered.
At least one member of the mentor-mentee pair must be a female.
Participants benefit from advice and insight and have the opportunity to create unique and enduring professional relationships with Georgetown colleagues.
Once admitted to the program, participants are encouraged to meet once a month during the course of the program (September through April). However, participants are encouraged to meet and communicate above and beyond these minimums as personal schedules allow. The mentorship relationship is a mutual relationship; success comes from the effort both parties put into it. To provide a quality experience for mentees and mentors, the GWA-Q Mentorship Program offers a series of activities and events, informational resources, and additional guidance throughout the course of the program.
Applying to the Program
Applications are due by August 31, 2020 in order to be considered for the 2020-2021 cycle of the GWA-Q Mentorship Program. You may apply to be both a mentor and a mentee.
If you’re interested in serving as a mentor, please complete the Mentor Expression of Interest Form
If you’re interested in being mentored, please complete the Mentee Expression of Interest Form
To nominate a mentor or mentee, please complete the Nomination Form
Questions? Email us at
Structure of Program / Schedule of Events
May-August: Committee invites mentors and mentees to apply for the program
August 31 – Mentor and Mentee applications are due.
September: Networking event: All registered mentors and mentees participate in a networking session. After, mentees submit their top five mentor picks and the committee matches pairs based on those shared preferences (and the info shared in their application forms)
September: Committee announces mentor and mentee pairings and invites them to a kickoff event that includes a mini training, toolkit with talking points/ideas, pairs encouraged to discuss expectations and preferences.
November – January: Developmental event
April: Concluding event (program evaluation survey sent out after event concludes)
Note: Pairs are encouraged to meet in between events for private meetings.
- Demystifying Mentoring
- 3 Great Things My Mentors Taught Me
- Every Woman Should Have A Mentor At Work
- Top 10 Tips For Being a Good Mentee
- Five Questions Every Mentor Must Ask
- Study highlights the benefits of serving as a mentor
- Mapping a Mentoring Roadmap and Developing a Supportive Network for Strategic Career Advancement
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