Trading Corporate Greed for Corporate Green at Georgetown Lecture

Georgetown University’s Center for International and Regional Studies (CIRS) recently hosted Dr. Seetharaman, Group Chief Executive Officer of Doha Bank, for a public Monthly Dialogue Series lecture titled “Sustainable Development for Economies and Corporations”, on their Education City campus.
“Building green economies is the need of the hour for sustainable growth and gross welfare,” said Dr. Seetharaman, who is also a regular commentator on banking, trade, economics and social responsibility. At the public lecture, he presented his views on the global risks economic and social development present to climate change, and shared solutions to counter these rising risks.
The focus on sustainable development, he argued, “involves contribution towards economic growth, social development and environmental protection. Green economies are the solutions for climate change and the growth models for global sustainability. Corporations should develop environmentally sustainable business so that the globe remains a healthy place to live.”
Dr. Mehran Kamrava, Director of CIRS, said “The issue of sustainable development has become one of the world’s most pressing concerns, impacting the future of critical resources, the path of economic growth, and the quality of human life as we know it. Dr. Seetharaman’s presentation on the need for a green economic approach is an excellent opportunity for our students, and for the Qatari community, to learn more about the topic.”
Dr. R. Seetharaman has transformed Doha Bank as one of the best performing Banks in the Middle East region, and is a recipient of multiple doctorates from leading universities of the world, including a PhD in Global Governance by European University and Doctorate of Laws by Washington College. He is a Chartered Accountant and holds certificates in IT Systems and Corporate Management. He has been named “Best CEO in Middle East” and “World Leader Business Person” and is a recipient of “The Gullands Excellence Award as a Phenomenal Banker”.
The CIRS Monthly Dialogue Series is designed to present interested community members with a forum for quiet, thoughtful dialogue with scholars from Georgetown University and elsewhere about their latest academic endeavors and their research agendas. Lectures are held every month on GU-Q’s Education City campus, and are open to the public. To find out more about upcoming events and how to register to attend this event, please visit